"This engaging musical opens with a happy Sara Crewe, heiress to a large fortune. Enrolled at Miss Minchins seminary in Victorian England, her life takes a dramatic turn when she receives news of the loss of her father...and her fortune. Sara is forced by the greedy Minchin to become a servant and live in a wretched attic room. When a mysterious gentleman from India moves next door, curious things begin to happen. Sara even discovers that her fortune has been retrieved. A touching and beautiful score adds a magical touch to this enchanting show: The Best Gift of All, A Proper English Girl, A Sunny Day in London, and of course the title song, A Little Princess. (Pioneer Drama Services) A Little Princess The Musical is based on the movie "The Little Princess" staring Shirley Temple Black and is adapted from Frances Hodgson Burnett's "Sara Crewe." In April, God's Power and Light Co. will perform this show on the historical Everett Theatre Stage. Produced by special arrangement with PIONEER DRAMA SERVICE, INC., Englewood, Colorado.
Miracle on 34th St
Griffin Theatre (12/13 - 12/22) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen
The Playhouse on Rodney Square (4/11 - 4/13) | ||
The Homecoming
Second Street Players (11/28 - 12/7) | ||
The Secret Garden
Second Street Players (7/11 - 7/20) | ||
King Lear
Resident Ensemble Players (4/10 - 4/27) | ||
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