Wilmington Renaissance Corporation (WRC) has announced the winner of the AZ Challenge that was part of the activities held at the 2012 Downtown Fall Fitness Fest in Rodney Square on Saturday, November 3. The free family-friendly event emphasized the importance of health and wellness while promoting family activity. It also showcased the safe, fun, family atmosphere in Downtown Wilmington.
Thirty-one different schools/nonprofits participated in the Downtown Fitness Festival’s AZ Challenge. The winning school receives $500 towards a school project of its choice. This year’s first-place winner was Newark High School’s Aspira Club, rallied by the club coordinator, Ms. Vivian Morales. The name Aspira is from the Spanish verb aspirer, which means to aspire. The club’s mission is to empower Hispanic students—through academics, leadership and community services—to complete high school and return to their communities as leaders.Videos