Dreamers United, affiliate of the Possum Point Players is excited to present Southern Girls by Sheri Bailey and Dura Temple, this weekend, February 21st through the 23rd. Southern Girls follows six ladies from childhood (circa 1952) through middle age. In a small town a few hours outside Birmingham, Alabama, six girls, three white and three black, play together. As the girls grow, the invisible line dividing their worlds becomes ever more pronounced.
Wanda-Sue Johnson (played by Baleigh Lambert of Millsboro), is a light skinned black girl. Wanda-Sue teeters between the world of her white half-sister, Charlotte Cecil Martin (played by Sierra Riedel of Harbeson), and Charlotte's friends - Dolly Granger Jackson (played by Madelyn Baum of Gumboro), and June-Adele Taylor (played by Kori Lewandowski of Bridgeville), and her own black friends - sisters Ruth and Naomi Hurdle (played by Melanie Showell and Summer Okoye, respectively, both of Millsboro). Each woman is driven by unique fears, hopes and dreams. As the years pass and their worlds change, each woman's dreams are affected by the turbulent times in which they live. Southern Girls is directed by Claudius Bowden. Jim Debastiani is assistant director.
Performances will be at 7:30pm Friday, February 21 and Saturday February 22; and 2:00pm on Sunday, February 23 at Possum Hall, 441 Old Laurel Road in Georgetown. General admission tickets are $ 10.00 each and they are available at the door. Call or visit www.possumpointplayers.org for more information.