Possum Point Players present "See How They Run," literally a fast-paced farce with action dodging in and out of the doors of what used to be the staid, decorous Vicarage at quaint Merton-cum-Middlewick, England. Performances are June 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 at Possum Hall in Georgetown.
Most could have predicted trouble in the offing when the Reverend married a former actress, an independent-minded American who wears trousers about in public. However, no one could have imagined the rumpus that ensues when no less than four alleged clergy, an American actor turned U.S. airman, a prim, if pickled, elderly villager and a saucy cockney maid all end up in the mix. And much dodging in and out and confusing identity duplicity takes place under the astonished eyes of a visiting Bishop.
Directed by Michael Murnin, "See How They Run" is a rollicking way to get into summer vacation mode.
Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday performances are at 2 p.m. Tickets are $18, seniors and students, $17, and may be reserved on-line at www.possumpointplayers.org. For phone orders, call Possums' ticketline 856-4560.