On Sunday June 28, 2015 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm, The Possum Point Players will host a workshop with an emphasis on theatrical stage direction. The workshop will be held in the theater at Possum Hall, 441 Old Laurel Highway in Georgetown. There will be no charge to attend this workshop and all are invited to attend. It will be geared for seasoned directors, those who would like to confirm their skills and knowledge, and neophytes who aspire to direct staged productions.
This program is an ongoing effort by The Possum Point Players to provide quality theatrical experiences to the community. Workshop Coordinators Jim DeBastiani and Jim Hartzell hope that the workshop will fill a void in the area of stage direction. They feel as there are not many places that aspiring directors can go in Sussex County to get the basic knowledge that is essential for effective stage direction.
DeBastiani, who will also be the Workshop moderator explains: "The workshop is not designed to be an all-inclusive fact based course in directing. Such an effort would take more than two hours," he says. "Instead, it is designed for those interested in discussing, sharing and/or discovering issues and styles, tips and secrets of successful directing," he adds.
DeBastiani believes this will have something for everyone: "Seasoned directors will provide valued information for those directors just starting out; they may even pick up a few new ideas. And new directors can bring their limited experiences and receive input on how specific challenges could have been handled differently," he concludes.
In preparation for the event, DeBastiani and Hartzell sent surveys to past directors of Possum Point Players shows using questions such as: "As a director, how do you approach an actor who has a different view of his character than you?", and: "What are your pre rehearsal preparations?" They will use those questions and their responses as the foundation for what they hope will be informative and enlightening discussion.
Possum Point Players is supported, in part, by grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.