The Possum Point Players and director Charlie Meyer of Lewes, have announced the cast for their upcoming Christmas show, Christmas Belles, written by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten. The show opens December 6 and runs through December 15.
"I have a great cast, we have had our first few rehearsals, and I am very excited about an outstanding show," said Meyer. "We have a fine mix of seasoned Possum veterans as well as those new to the Possum stage," he added.
Included in the cast are: Jill Lewandowski of Bridgeville; Marsha Shull, Frankford; Cat Timko, Georgetown; Doug Friend, Matt King and Ron Pakula of Lewes; Karen Fitzpatrick of Magnolia; Dan Payne of Rehoboth Beach; Julia Free and E. J. Panico of Seaford and Susan McCoy of Selbyville. Esther Friend of Lewes is Assistant to the Director.
The story revolves around a church Christmas program which spins hilariously out of control in this Southern farce about squabbling sisters, family secrets, a surly Santa, a vengeful sheep and a reluctant Elvis impersonator.
Tickets at $23 ($22 for seniors and students) are available through the PPP website, or by calling the PPP ticket line (302)856-4560.
Christmas Belles is produced through special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Possum Point Players is supported, in part, by grants from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.