Elf the Musical introduces Buddy, a young orphan who mistakenly crawled into Santa's bag of gifts and was transported to the North Pole one Christmas Eve.
No supply chain problems with getting tickets for Possum Point Players holiday production of "Elf The Musical!"
Adapted after the popular 2003 "Elf" movie, "Elf The Musical" is directed by Kenney Workman of Milford. Georgetown resident Diane Trautman is music director and Bliss Soucek of Milford is choreographer.
"Elf the Musical" introduces Buddy, a young orphan who mistakenly crawled into Santa's bag of gifts and was transported to the North Pole one Christmas Eve. The foundling youngster is lovingly raised as an elf and no one is aware that he is actually a human until his unmistakable overgrown elf size and poor toy-making abilities give him away.
Santa Claus realizes Buddy needs to find his birth father and learn to live in a world of humans. He sends him off to New York City with a snow globe of the city to guide him. Much to his shock, Buddy finds that his own father and the entire city of New York is on Santa's naughty list. It seems nobody cares about Santa! However, Buddy's favorite thing is smiling, and he is happily determined to win over his new family and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas.
"Elf The Musical" is becoming a modern-day holiday classic and it's sure to make everyone embrace their inner 'elf.' The Possums' cast is dedicated to showing that the best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear!
Cast members in this holiday production are from more than a dozen area communities throughout central and southern Delaware. Claudius Bowden, Jim Hartzell and Tommy Ray Chedester are from Georgetown, and Abbie Porter and Kierstyn Woody are from Seaford. Andrew Hertzberg and John Zinzi are from Milton, and Michael Murnin and Steven Perry are from Rehoboth Beach.
Malcolm Keen and Kevin Kirk are from Lewes, and Amy Baker-Sheridan and Finn Sheridan are from Frankford. Steven Dow is from Felton; Jake Darmstadter, Millsboro; Julianna Markel, Smyrna; and DavShawn Brewer is from Lincoln. Whitney Cook lives in Delmar; and Greg Breitkreitz lives in Viola; and Shayla Macklin, Selbyville.
Possum Point Players would like to think that all patrons are fully vaccinated against Covid viruses; however, in an abundance of caution and caring for all patrons and volunteers, everyone in Possum Hall will be required to wear a face mask upon entering and throughout the show.
Tickets for the family Christmas musical are as close and quick as a phone call or a few key clicks at http://www.possumpointplayers.org. Tickets are on sale now for Dec. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11,12, and some shows are already filling up. Patrons are encouraged to purchase soon to make sure they get tickets for the date they prefer.
Friday performances are at 7:30 pm and matinees for shows on both Saturdays and Sundays are at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $27 adults and $25 for senior citizens and students, and are now available at http://www.possumpointplayers.org. By staging two matinees each weekend, the players are happy to give families and all others a chance to see this holiday favorite and be home by early evening.