One lucky DuPont United Way bidder will be flown up and around the stage of the historic DuPont Theatre on Thursday, October 22 before the evening's performance of THE WIZARD OF OZ. This unique and breathtaking special effects experience is offered as the DuPont Theatre's contribution to the 2009 DuPont United Way On-Line Auction, in which DuPont employees and their families may bid to support the 2009 United Way of Delaware Campaign now through October 2. Just as the Wicked Witch of the West flies high for every performance in this exciting new production of the classic show, the winning bidder will literally be swept off their feet and will fly high for their favorite charity, using the expert magic of the national tour's professional Broadway crew. Who knew something tax-deductable could be so much fun?
The national tour of THE WIZARD OF OZ touches down in Wilmington October 20-25, heralding the opening of the DuPont Theatre's Broadway Season.
To purchase tickets for THE WIZARD OF OZ or for more information about DuPont Theatre shows, call the DuPont Theatre Box Office at 302-656-4401 or 800-338-0881 or on the internet at
Located at the DuPont Building in Wilmington, DE, the DuPont Theatre is a 1,252-seat theatre that has been presenting professional Broadway productions since 1913. It also hosts a variety of entertainers, businesses, charitable groups and private parties.
DuPont is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by solving problems and creating solutions that make people's lives better, safer and easier. Operating in more than 70 countries, the company offers a wide range of products and services to markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.