The show features original revue of songs from 20 shows along with four short dramatic scenes written by area community theatre members.
Spring brings blooms and playing outdoors and this year, includes music from Broadway as well as bird songs. Possum Point Players open the 2021 season with "Broadway Springs Back" performed on their new outdoor stage. Opening Friday, April 16, they present an original revue of songs from 20 shows along with four short dramatic scenes written by area community theatre members.
The songs and scenes are drawn from the feelings of surprise and despair felt by a world living through a pandemic to the relief and hope and even happiness that this spring brings. Directors Steven Dow and Stacey Hartman chose songs that reflect some of the heaviness felt before solutions began to lift spirits and open people to having a happy song in their hearts again.
Included are 20 songs from many eras of Broadway, there are songs from many well-known favorites such as "Les Miserables," "Ragtime," "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown," "Spamalot," "Carousel" and "The Full Monty." Also included are songs from lesser-known Broadway hits such as "Dogfight," "The Prince of Egypt," "Songs for a New World" and "Waitress."
Shows are Friday, April 16, 7:30 pm, Saturday, April 17, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm, and Sunday, April 18, 2 pm. Tickets are $27, senior citizen and student tickets are $25; tickets may be purchased at or by calling the ticket line, 302-856-4560. All seats are reserved. Outdoor theatre seating is set up in rows the same as in-house theatre seating. Rows are appropriately distanced six feet apart and tickets ordered together will be seated together and spaced from other reservations. Patrons are advised to dress appropriately for the weather.
The open-air stage is located adjacent to Possum Hall. Parking is across the street from the theatre. Passengers may be let out at the theatre driveway. Patrons, staff and volunteer crews must wear a mask when moving about the theatre property or using facilities inside the hall; when seated, patrons may remove their masks to drink and eat snacks. Water, sodas, wine and beer and packaged snacks will be sold.
Many Delmarva communities are represented in the cast of "Broadway Springs Back." Dow is a resident of Felton and Hartman lives in Milford. Matthew Brown, Donna de Kuyper and Jgar Helwig live in Lewes, and Cheryl Graves and John Hulse live in Rehoboth Beach. Candice Castro lives in Dover, Alonzo Dixon, Bridgeville, and Julianna Markel lives in Smyrna. Abbie Porter is a Seaford resident, Ashlie Workman lives in Millsboro and Shelbie Thompson lives in Salisbury, MD.Inclement weather dates are Friday, April 23, 7:30 pm, Saturday, April 24, 7:30 pm, and Sunday, April 25, 2 pm. Details of the inclement weather policy are included on the website. If attending an evening performance at the new outdoor stage, coordinate your wardrobe with the weather.