The Children's Theater at Milford's Second Street Players starts 2020 with the second installment in the parody series based on the Harry Potter books. In Sally Cotter and the Prisoner of Ala Katraz, Sally Cotter is back, once again dreaming that she is a student at the bewitching Frogbull Academy of Sorcery. But this time she's caught up in teenage drama as well as dealing with mysterious escaped convict Taurus Ford and battling her rival, Ursa Malaise, in the Gauntlet of Ire. Audiences will delight as she works to help her best friends, Dave and Harmonica, with their romantic woes, all while evading Murderdeath and his terrifying Demeaners. This loving parody will thrill fans and newcomers alike.
Performances of Sally Cotter and the Prisoner of Ala Katraz will be at the Riverfront Theater, 2 S. Walnut Street in Milford on Feb. 28, 29 and March 1 with curtain at 7:00 p.m. for Friday and Saturday shows, and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. All Children's Theater tickets are general admission and can be purchased at the door. Tickets for Friday's show are pay-what you can/donations and $10 for adults/$5 for children on Saturday and Sunday. More information about the Children's Theater is available at
This show is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowments of the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on