Disorderly duo Scott and Joan Houghton and their hilarious pack of pooches have created a comedy dog thrill show like no other. Expect the unexpected in this top-notch presentation that includes: incredible high flying Frisbee dogs, tight-wire dogs, dancing dogs, magic dogs, and, of course, the one and only Sammie the Talking Dog! Their nine amazing canine partners are all adopted from animal shelters and rescues. MUTTS GONE NUTS is sure to unleash havoc and hilarity as the Houghtons attempt to match wits with their mischievous mutts in a family-friendly performance that is leaving audiences howling for more!
Ages: Ages 4 and up.
Holiday Inn
La Comedia (11/1 - 12/29) HOLIDAY SHOW
| ||
MJ: The Musical
Schuster Center (6/24 - 6/29) | ||
Matilda The Musical
La Comedia (6/26 - 8/10) | ||
Children of Eden
La Comedia (5/8 - 6/15) | ||
The Comeuppance
The Human Race Theatre Company (5/27 - 6/8) | ||
The Human Race Theatre Company (3/25 - 4/6) | ||
SIX (Boleyn Tour)
Schuster Performing Arts Center [Mead Theatre] (1/14 - 1/19) | ||
The Play That Goes Wrong
La Comedia (8/14 - 9/14) | ||
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