A fun and exciting new Interactive Musical Comedy Mystery, “Holy Hearts High Haunted Holiday Homecoming!” is full of Hilarious Hijinks and Heartwarming Holiday Cheer as the audience becomes alumni of the doomed High School!
The Historic Holy Hearts Catholic High School is set for demolition as a Slimy Greedy Land Developer has purchased the land and wants to build a Mini Mall on it. A group of concerned alumni form a committee to host a Holiday Reunion complete with a delicious Holiday Meal and A Holiday Musical Revue performed by former and current Drama Club and Choir Students singing Holiday Favorites and performing a “Politically Correct Version of A Christmas Carol” to raise funds to save the school and keep it open! Their efforts are thwarted by several strange occurrences which suggest that their Alma Mater just might be HAUNTED!!
Written and Directed by Michael Bouson and Joe Correll, this epic production stars Avante Garage Favorites: Stacee Brown, Joe Correll, Marva Fisher, Torca Frances, Gage Hipsher, Jose Jones, Kristin Lee, Virgo Lee, Dale Morgan, Kedryn Roether, Katie Tester, Laura Wells-Parent, Davy Williamson along with students from the Lima Dance Academy under the direction of Danielle Denison.
Performances begin on Thursday, December 12 and will continue on December 13, 14, 20, 21. All Performances begin at 6:30 PM when the doors to the theatre open. Tickets are $60 and include a Holiday Buffet Meal with the cast! For Tickets and More Information: https://www.ohiotheatrelima.com/holy-hearts-high-holday-homecoming
Holy Hearts High Haunted Holiday Homecoming (12/12/24-12/21/24)
The Ohio Theatre Lima is at 122 West North Street Lima, OH 45801, Lima, OH.
Holy Hearts High Haunted Holiday Homecoming (12/12/24-12/21/24)
Holiday Hilarity (11/30/24-11/30/24)
The Speakeasy (11/8/24-11/16/24)
The Bop She Bops! (6/27/24-6/29/24)
Mark Cabus in "A Christmas Carol" (12/20/23-12/20/23)
Seasons Greetings '23 (12/14/23-12/23/23)
Dusty's Dixie Dancehall and Destiny Lounge (10/20/23-11/4/23)
Fatal Follies of '27 (7/13/23-7/28/23)
Seasones Greetings (12/9/22-12/23/22)
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
La Comedia (9/20 - 10/11) | ||
Into The Woods
La Comedia (3/27 - 5/4) | ||
The Comeuppance
The Human Race Theatre Company (5/27 - 6/8) | ||
Ghost: The Musical
La Comedia (1/10 - 2/9) | ||
SIX (Boleyn Tour)
Schuster Performing Arts Center [Mead Theatre] (1/14 - 1/19) | ||
MJ: The Musical
Schuster Center (6/24 - 6/29) | ||
Schuster Center (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
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