The Shaker Heights High School Theatre Arts Department presents As You Wish: A SPRING ENSEMBLE SHOW, April 25 & 26 at 7 PM in the Large Auditorium.
This year, the Ensembles strip away the fancy lights and music, put down the puppets and get back to the most important element of theatre: storytelling. A collection of student writing and performances from the Jr. Ensemble and Sr. Ensemble classes, "As you Wish" explores the themes, some timeless and some problematic, of classic fairy tales.Part of our "Giving Voice" series, The Ensemble Show, together with New Stages has proven to be a successful and enriching opportunity for the students and educators who have been a part of it. This program utilizes teachers within the school and artists within the greater community to foster a cooperative, creative environment in which students' ideas and writing are shaped into performed and published works.