Oliver! is directed by Alan Souza (Ears on a Beatle, 2008), who developed the new concept for the show. Helen Gregory is the music director and Spencer Liff (recent Emmy Award nominee for So You Think You Can Dance) is the choreographer. The set design is by David A. Centers, costume design by Molly Walz, lighting design by John Rensel and sound design by Brian Retterer. Kay Carver is the production stage manager.
The 10-member cast includes: Nicholas Belton, Blaise Bouschard, Ian DeVine, Helen Gregory, Adam Lendermon, Joseph Medeiros, Chris Shea, Sara Sheperd, Human Race Resident Artist Scott Stoney and Gary Troy. Jonah Sorscher is the understudy.
The story of The Human Race's new production of Oliver! began when Kevin Moore wanted to do something special to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth for the 2012-2013 season. "We'd already produced A Christmas Carol for Dayton audiences five times and I felt like they deserved something new," says Moore. "Oliver! had been on my wish list for a long time, but the established cast size and scale of the musical made such a production in The Loft Theatre unlikely." But a fortuitous conversation with director Alan Souza suddenly made the improbable highly possible. Souza had recently re-imagined My Fair Lady and Camelot at the Engeman Theater at Northport, New York, turning them into smaller scale productions, and he had a similar concept for Oliver! already in mind.
"Our rendition is set when the chronicles of Oliver Twist were all the rage, even as his fate remained a mystery." Souza then explores the impact of such a telling on those telling the story, "Our unlikely combination of revelers finds both great joy and enlightenment in enacting a pantomime of his tale as an entertainment, but in process they reveal their own struggles for survival, acceptance, and love as their identities with their characters merge."
Tickets and performance information on Oliver! are available online at www.humanracetheatre.org or by calling Ticket Center Stage at (937) 228-3630, and at the Schuster Center box office.
Photo Credit: Scott J. Kimmins
The cast of Human Race Theatre's OLIVER!
The cast of Human Race Theatre's OLIVER!
The cast of Human Race Theatre's OLIVER!
The cast of Human Race Theatre's OLIVER!
Sara Sheperd, Blaise Bouschard, Helen Gregory and Joseph Medeiros
The cast of Human Race Theatre's OLIVER!