Leave the kids at home and get ready for some ridiculous, riotous and downright raunchy puppet behavior as The Human Race Theatre Company presents Avenue Q, the 2004 triple Tony Award winner by Robert Lopez, Jeff Marx and Jeff Whitty. Scroll down for a first look at the cast in action!
Avenue Q follows Princeton, a fresh-faced college grad and recent New York City arrival, and all his wacky new neighbors living way, way, way out on Avenue Q. The life lessons come fast and funny as he learns that "It Sucks to Be Me," "The Internet Is for Porn" and "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist."
Deer and music director/conductor by Sean Michael Flowers, both Human Race Resident Artists, lead a cast of eight talented actors: Andrew Ian Adams as the "Third Hand", Michelle Liu Coughlin as "Christmas Eve", Annie Kalahurka as "Second Hand" and "Mrs. Thistletwat", James Oblak as "Princeton" and "Rod", Resident Artist Katie Pees as "Kate Monster" and "Lucy", Shawn Storms as "Gary Coleman", Brett Travisas "Nicky" and "Trekkie Monster", and Michael Thomas Walker as "Brian".
D. Tristan Cupp, Artistic Director for The Zoot Theatre Company, designed over two dozen puppets for The Human Race's production while scenic designer Dick Block was tasked with creating a New York City street scene reduced in scale for people and puppets alike to play on. Janet G. Powell serves as costume designer, Resident Artist John Rensel is the lighting designer and John S. Findley is the sound designer. Biographies on the cast and creative team can be found online at www.humanracetheatre.org.
The cast of The Human Race Theatre Companyâ€s AVENUE Q
James Oblak with “Princeton� and Annie Kalahurka, Brett Travis and Andrew Ian Adams
James Oblak with “Princeton�, Shawn Storms and Katie Pees with “Kate Monster�
James Oblak with “Princeton�, and Annie Kalahurka and Andrew Ian Adams with the “Bad Idea Bears�
Katie Pees with “Kate Monster� and Brett Travis and Andrew Ian Adams with “Trekkie Monster�
Andrew Ian Adams and Brett Travis with “Trekkie Monster�, James Oblak with “Rod�, Michael Thomas Walker, Shawn Storms and Annie Kalahurka with “Princeton�
Annie Kalahurka with the girl “Bad Idea Bear�, Katie Pees with “Kate Monster�, James Oblak with “Princeton� and Andrew Ian Adams with the boy “Bad Idea Bear�
James Oblak with “Rod�, Brett Travis and Andrew Ian Adams with “Nicky�, Shawn Storms, Michelle Liu Coughlin and Michael Thomas Walker