Miami Valley and Good Samaritan Hospitals Classical Series presents THE AWAKENING, Thursday, January 10 and Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 8pm at the Schuster Center. Take Note Talk will be at the Mead Theatre, 7pm, with speakers Neal Gittleman, Philharmonic Music Director; Haim Avitsur, Soloist; and Meira Warshauer, Composer.
The sound of the horn weaves a magical thread throughout these wide-ranging pieces. From the opening call in Weber's opera overture to the plaintive summons of the Shofar (ram's horn) in Meira Warshauer's Tekeeyah, to the soaring fanfare embodying great American archetypes, such as the returning soldier, in Aaron Copland's Symphony No. 3, something about the horn reaches deep into our collective soul. The three versatile composers on this program explore this great musical asset in the widest variety of multi-hued orchestral compositions.
The program includes WEBER Oberon Overture, WARSHAUER Tekeeyah, and COPLAND Symphony No. 3.
Single Tickets are: $9 | $12 | $23 | $36 | $47 | $59
For tickets or more information, visit: