Adam Gwon is a rising star of the musical Theatre World. His show "Ordinary Days" just opened Off-Broadway, produced by The Roundabout Theatre Company, starring Hunter Foster, Kate Wetherhead, Lisa Brescia & Jared Gertner. The Roundabout show will be followed by productions in California (Costa Mesa's South Coast Repertory in January) and Ohio (Dayton's Human Race Theatre Company in June).
Adam discusses his experience as a writer of contemporary musical theatre including the writing process and his training at NYU as well as with mentor Lynn Ahrens.
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Read Adam's bio here:
MusicalWorld is a program of Encore Theater Company, Dayton, Ohio.
Encore Theater Company was launched in 1999 with the purpose of participating in the development of new American musicals by working with creative teams from all over the country and with local actors, designers, technicians, musicians, and directors. ETC's mission is the presentation of new, unpublished works for the musical stages at various levels of development by providing a safe venue for authors to hone their work. ETC's mission is carried out on three primary areas:
ETC is proud to participate in the development of new work and new artists by helping to shape the American musical for generations to come.