Thomas Weaver, a successful writer, returns to his hometown to perform the eulogy for his childhood friend, Alvin Kelby. He struggles to find the appropriate words, but comes up with nothing but blank pages. With the help of Alvin, who appears from the recesses of his mind, Thomas sorts through story after story of the events that made up their friendship, searching for his role in his friend's untimely death. We follow the lifelong friendship between the two men, an inspiring story told mostly in song.
Directed by Debra A. Kent
Musical Direction by Renee' Franck-Reed
Produced by K.L.Storer
Scott Knisley as Thomas Weaver
Jeff Sams as Alvin Kelby
Showing weekends June 1-17, 2012
The Dayton Theatre Guild at the
Caryl D. Philips TheatreScape
430 Wayne Ave.
Dayton, OH 45410
Individual tickets on sale now ... visit, and then click on "Get Your Tickets Now" ... or call 937-278-5993 to make your reservations.
Individual tickets at the door:
Adult: $17
Senior (60 or older): $15
Student: $10
All non-Season tickets purchased in advance via our online ticket system or by telephone will also include a $1 convenience fee. For more information on ticket policies click on the "Tickets" button on our main web site.
Children under 7 will not be admitted.