The Dayton Theatre Guild will hold open auditions for Wittenberg by David Davalos on Monday and Tuesday, December 12 and 13, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.
Directed by Saul Caplan and produced by Debra Kent.
Production dates are Feb 10-26, 2012.
This comic fantasy has Prince Hamlet (yes, that one) at the famous German university with Dr. Faustus and Martin Luther battling over faith and reason. The battle culminates in the nailing of the theses on the church door. Sometimes the truth is funny...and the consequences even funnier.
Wittenberg takes place on the campus of Wittenberg GERMANY, circa October, 1517. The ability for all actors to get off-book quickly is a MUST.
The director is looking to cast the following:
Martin Luther – the ultimate religious guy. Serious, scholarly. A "mature" man (45-60).
John Faustus – also a man of "maturity" (40-55) – bawdy, profane, bigger than life. Ability to sing is a plus.
Hamlet – young (20-25), confused, earnest.
The Eternal Female – (30 to mid-40s) – plays four different characters, including the Virgin Mary and a barmaid who looks like the St. Pauli girl. Must be able to look and sound different for each character. (Be prepared to recite something familiar to you, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, Lord's Prayer or an audition monologue in four distinct voices and styles.)
Head shots & résumés are encouraged, but not necessary.
Additional information may be found on the website at