I lost a friend this week. The entire Dayton theatre community lost a friend this week. She wasn't a CEO or may not be known to all, but her loss is deeply felt by so many. Her name was Cheryl Kayser and life won't be the same without her.
I have a quote on my facebook wall that says, "Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people". Cheryl lived this every day. She made me believe in the goodness of people even when today's environment often makes that very difficult. I knew with every interaction that she loved me, loved my husband and definitely loved my children. She celebrated every one of their victories and was equally supportive when they faced challenges. She loved my cats and enjoyed seeing their pictures on facebook. She was supportive of me as a homeschool educator and was always there to boost me when I felt like I was failing my children. I could go on and on about the ways she was a constant friend to me and to many others. The words that have been appearing over and over on my facebook feed this week about Cheryl are kind, generous, funny, loving. She loved her family, her friends and her pets.
One of the other things that everyone knew about Cheryl is that she loved theatre. This is how we met. The picture accompanying this article is of Cheryl when she appeared as Yertle the Tertle in the Playhouse South production of SEUSSICAL, which I directed. Over the past few years, her mobility caused her to taper off her involvement on stage but did nothing to hamper her enjoyment. She has been involved with not only Playhouse South but Dayton Playhouse and Dare2Defy Productions in past years and many may also recognize her as a House Manager for the Victoria Theatre Association where she loved to share her passion for theatre with all others that she encountered, especially the children.
My heart goes out to all of those that were blessed to have known Cheryl, most especially her family. Although we have all suffered a great loss, we are better for having known her.
Photo credit: Kelly Beckman-Crabtree