The Fantasticks, the world's longest-running off-Broadway musical, is a whimsical and charming love story with a touch of satire. Set in a world of metaphor and playful theatricality, it follows the blossoming romance between Matt, a young man who lives next door to Luisa, and Luisa, a girl kept under lock and key by her overprotective father.
The witty narrator, El Gallo, orchestrates much of the action, adding a layer of humor and reminding the audience of the artificiality of the situation. Obstacles are thrown their way, both real and imagined, as Matt and Luisa navigate the complexities of first love. A dashing "El Gallo" injects some drama and a playful rivalry for Luisa's affections.
Despite its seemingly simple premise, The Fantasticks explores universal themes of love, independence, and the power of imagination. The score, a delightful blend of folk and classical influences, features iconic songs like "Try To Remember" and "Soon It Will Be Dawn," which have become staples of the musical theater repertoire. With its timeless themes, playful humor, and small-scale production needs, The Fantasticks remains an enduring classic, reminding audiences of the magic and wonder of young love.
Heartbreak Hotel
Plaza Theatre Company (12/31 - 1/25) | ||
The Beulaville Baptist Book Club Presents: A Bur-Less-Q Nutcracker
MBS Productions (12/5 - 12/29) HOLIDAY SHOW
| ||
Peter Pan (Non-Equity)
Music Hall at Fair Park (12/25 - 1/5) | ||
The Lion King
Music Hall at Fair Park (6/4 - 7/3) | ||
Bass Performance Hall (5/13 - 5/18) | ||
Savannah Sipping Society
Runway Theatre (1/24 - 2/9) | ||
The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown
Circle Theatre (8/14 - 9/6) | ||
The Stamped Project
Bishop Arts Theatre Center (2/20 - 3/2) | ||
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Music Hall at Fair Park (2/25 - 3/2) | ||
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