Undermain Theatre has released the following statement regarding their schedule:
In light of the overwhelming situation that has played out due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Undermain Theatre wants to keep you updated on the steps we are taking. Our concern is for the overall health and safety of our community. Therefore we are complying with the health guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control, and the restrictions set by Dallas County and have postponed the remainder of our season. Below is our new schedule:
-The Savage Seconds, a Danielle Georgiou Dance Group production, which was scheduled to run June 4th to June 14th will now run May 28th to June 7th.
- He's Born, He's Borne, a new play by David Rabe that was set to be workshopped from April 16th to May 2 is now scheduled for June 11th to June 28th.
Our Whither Goest Thou America readings schedule will be announced soon.
Furthermore, for the safety of our staff, we are working at home, only coming in to monitor matters that can only be taken care of at the theater. We are committed to doing our part in keeping everyone safe and healthy in this time of public distress. We are adapting as quickly as possible to this challenging situation and will keep you updated should there be any other changes.