Hamlet tells the story of a young prince who devises an elaborate plot to avenge his father's death after learning that it was at the hands of his uncle Claudius, the now king of Denmark. With Hamlet's mother as King Claudius' new wife and the impending arrival of Prince Fortinbras' declaration of war, there is more than a fair share of scheming by Hamlet to expose Claudius' crime. The play focuses on the tragedy of revenge and the all consuming madness it creates; audiences will love the thrill of Hamlet.
The remaining schedule for the 2015-16 season is as follows:
April 3 & 4, 2016
Richard II
May 15 & 16, 2016
Measure for Measure
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare represents a five-year collaboration of staged readings of all of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets. All of the works are directed by Shakespeare Dallas, under the leadership of its executive and artistic director Raphael Parry. The performances are being funded by the Mankoff Family Foundation.
The works will incorporate simple props, lighting and costumes to keep the focus on the poetry and the text. All performances will take place on Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings.