The fairy tale misfit adventure, Shrek The Musical Jr., comes to life on the Dallas stage with The J's Performing Arts Space (JPAS) productions of the of the adaptation of the Oscar-winning Dreamworks Animation film. Shrek The Musical Jr. is comprised of two casts with actors ages 6 to 18. The Green Cast performs Thursday, March 23 at 7 p.m. andSunday, March 26 at 2 and 7 p.m.; the Blue Cast performs Thursday, March 30 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, April 1 at 8 p.m. and onSunday, April 2 at 2 p.m. All performances will take place in The J's Zale Auditorium at 7900 Northaven Road in Dallas. Attendees are encouraged to get involved in the show by dressing as their favorite fairytale character and purchasing a prop bag for audience interaction. Tickets are $18 for adults and $12 for children and seniors in advance. Tickets can be purchased online.
"Shrek The Musical Jr. is a fantastic show because it gives all the actors a chance to let their imaginations run wild about some of their favorite storybook characters," said Alise Robinson, manager of The J Performing Arts Program. "We wanted to create a fun show that engages the audience and the actors while creating something that adults and children can enjoy together."
JPAS is unique in that it focuses on education, performing and learning 21st century life skills. It's not just about the performance. The actors don't just run through lines, learn their marks and follow the director's lead. JPAS actors learn about intentions, how to be part of an ensemble, collaboration, movement techniques and coordination, listening and social skills, and the power of their voices. Additionally, JPAS hires the best directors, musical directors and choreographers in North Texas who have a background in making young actors more well-rounded, and confident in themselves and who will increase their talents to new heights. When JPAS actors finish the production, the goal is for them to have a new-found set of skills that they can use not only use on the stage but in life.
Additionally, as part of its mission to expose children to more live theater, The J has donated 100 tickets (50 per cast) to North Texas non-profit organizations to distribute to families they serve.
The Senior cast is comprised of 36 actors including: Claire Allen, Claire Blacker, Sophie Brock, Brody Bundis, Sopia Chavez, Haley Coleman, Ella DeWitt, Ella Edmundson, Lindsey Fetter, Aubrey Fomin, Nadia Fox, John Foster Glover, Izzie Haymann, Maggie Hurley, Marlee Ingram, Carli Jones, Bradley Jones, Jacob Kaplan, Megan Lederman, Adam Leybovich-Glikin, Michelle Leybovich-Glikin, Lyla Lively, Sadie Manaster, Amelia McAnear, Elliot McEachern, Sarah McIntosh, Sarah Moskowitz, Avery Murphy, Alexandra Rosenblatt, Max Rudelman, Mara Sandberg, Sarah Schussler, Sailor Schwaber, Montana Wulff, Dakota Wulff, and Rachel Yahalom.
The Green Cast is comprised of 35 actors including: Parker Adams, Jada Anderson, Ryland Bundis, Mercer Bundis, Nola Carroll, Kevin Carter, Thandi Chisango, JorDan Clark, Kenzie Clark, Natalie Connelly, Ivy Daniel, Alyssa Dolman, Erin Edwards, Noah Feldman, Cooper Frank, Piper Glowacki, Paige Glowacki, Olivia Goin, TatiAna Gonzalez, Macy Gutow, Lainey Gutow, Maddie Isaac, Audrey Lewis, Sara Lipszyc, Gigi Melucci, Alexis Muturi, Amanda Park, Charlotte Rosuck, Sam Rubin, Jacob Sanders, Audrey Schedler, Jordan Velevis, Sydney Walters, Hayden Watros, and Juliet Zucker.
The Aaron Family Jewish Community Center of Dallas (The J) is part of an extended family, a home away from home − providing programs and services for all ages and stages of life. Within its walls or around the world, The J's members gather together to meet, play, learn, celebrate, and be part of the community. Everyone, regardless of age, race, religious affiliation, or any other protected status, is welcome. The Aaron Family Jewish Community Center is located at 7900 Northaven Road in Dallas. For more information, please visit or call (214) 739-2737.