A high energy musical that will delight audiences of all ages, DCT's Seven Brides for Seven Brothers opens on July 31, 2009. Set in Oregon in the 1850's this musical features six backwoods brothers who devise a plan to kidnap the women that they want to marry. Their oldest brother, Adam, is already wed but lends his siblings a hand. The women are understandably furious when they all get snowed in at the brothers' remote home in the mountains for the winter. The women insist that the men live in the barn. Everyone thaws by springtime for a happy ending full of true love.
This Denton Community Theatre musical is being directed by Bonnie McCormick, with musical direction by Christopher Redden and choreography by Cindy Lee. The talented cast includes familiar DCT singers and dancers as well as enthusiastic newcomers. Nicholas Long, playing Adam, committed to a daily commute from Wichita Falls in order to bring this role to life on the Campus stage.
Performances are July 31, August 1, 7, 8 at 7:30 pm, and August 2, 9 at 2 pm.
All performances are at the historic Campus Theatre located at 214 W. Hickory in Denton. Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $16 for seniors (62+), and $10 for children/students (through college). Tickets are available online at www.campustheatre.com or at the Campus Theatre Box Office Monday through Friday from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Credit card purchases may be done over the phone during these same hours by calling 940-382-1915. Group rates also available.
For more information, please check our website www.dentoncommunitytheatre.com or call (940) 382-7014 or email thedctteam@campustheatre.com