The show features Queen's entire catalog and includes multiple costume changes by Paulie Z to showcase Freddie Mercury's iconic outfits throughout the years.
BOHEMIAN QUEEN (BQ), the critically-acclaimed Queen tribute band, has announced that it will be performing a FREE show the The Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show & Rodeo on March 17 at 9:30 PM.
Hailed As "The World's Most Passionate Queen Tribute" with their high-energy performances and authentic aesthetic, BQ's theatrical show features a wide range of songs from Queen's entire catalog and includes multiple costume changes by Paulie Z to showcase Freddie Mercury's iconic outfits throughout the years.
BQ's passion, talent and love for the music is matched only by their expertly-produced shows and sophisticated performances, which can be seen in their latest video (view video here:
The band features such all-stars as frontman Paulie Z (Sweet, ZO2, Z Rock, Ultimate Jam Night), Guitarist Steve Zukowsky (Sheer Heart Attack, Led Zepagain, Dog 'n Butterfly), Bassist/Vocalist Aaron Samson (Steven Adler of Guns N' Roses, Odin, BulletBoys, George Lynch), Drummer/Vocalist Glenn Jost (ReLoVe, Bostyx), and Keyboardist/Guitarist Victor Bender (Sheer Heart Attack, Bostyx).
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