Private Eyes had its world premiere at Arizona Theatre Company in Tucson in 1996, and has since become a staple of repertory companies from Massachusetts to Colorado. The multi-layered plot concerns adultery, deception and its consequences. The play presents a quite interesting premise with some chilling scenes and moments of ingenious humor.
The performances in this five character play were all noteworthy, with special mention going to Rick Dalton as the wronged husband and Cat Hundley in the flamboyant role of a wronged wife turned private detective. Private Eyes director Lisa Devine is obviously no stranger to multi tasking as she managed the play's dissimilar elements into one satisfying mix.
I believe if I went on any more about this production, I would spoil the singular experience that Private Eyes truly is. You owe it to yourself to witness the production and see where the play may take you.
Private Eyes continues at Rover Dramawerksthrough February 10. For more information, please visit their website.
Photo Credit: Bill Justus