Directed by newly named Theatre Three Artistic Director Jeffrey Schmidt, Laugh focuses on two innocents, Mabel and Roscoe, as they set off for Hollywood circa 1920 seeking fame and fortune. The kaleidoscopic array of characters they meet along the way threatens their quest for happiness on the silver screen. Ms. Henley has created a modern day Odyssey where nothing and no one is exactly as they seem. Written with a glorious ear for dialogue and style to burn, Laugh is a truly compelling and fascinating fable.
"Laugh. Is that a command? A simple invitation?" posited director Jeffrey Schmidt. "Eliciting laughter from one person let alone an entire audience is easier said than done. It's a pretty ballsy name for a play! So, now it's mine and the actors' job to meet the challenge of this title. We're gonna have a lot of fun. Bodies will explode! Stripteases will be danced! And to quote the playwright, 'Pies will be thrown.'"
Laugh is directed by Jeffrey Schmidt and stars Debbie Crawford (Mabel), Magdiel Carmona (Roscoe) as well as Ashlee Elizabeth Bashore, Ashley Wood, Bradley Campbell and Steph Garrett playing over thirty different roles-sometimes within the same scene.
Tickets range from $10-50 and are on sale:
• online at
• by phone at 214.871.3300, option #1
• in person at the Theatre Three Box Office
Photo credit: Linda Harrison
Debbie Crawford, Madigel Carmona
Debbie Crawford, Madigel Carmona
Steph Garrett, Madigel Carmona, Elizabeth Bashore