In Advent, two brothers isolate themselves within the walk-in freezer of a West-Texas superstore to escape an inexplicable catastrophe that threatens to eradicate human life. When another survivor appears at their doorstep, the brothers are put to the test as grief, evangelism, and elemental survival uproot the core of their fragile new world and their own true natures.
The Aviary fosters and develops new dramatic writing through readings, workshops, and continued professional training, focusing exclusively on the playwright and creative process to create a home where voices new and old can explore, experiment, and grow to expand and enrich the impact of the Dallas cultural scene. Through our weekly Free Range series, we provide emerging playwrights a space to experiment with new material supported by local actors in a casual environment. With our Hatchlings series, we partner with non-traditional venues and organizations to mount staged readings of new work, fostering new collaborations not only for playwrights but for local actors, artists, and audiences.
To submit a selection for Free Range or Hatchlings, email For more information, visit or call (469) 616-0359.
Travis Stuebing (actor), Ruth Cantrell (director), Marla Jo Kelly (actor), and Ian Ferguson (actor)
Ian Mead Moore (actor), Ian Ferguson (actor), Travis Stuebing (actor), Marla Jo Kelly (actor)
Travis Stuebing (actor), Marla Jo Kelly (actor), Ian Ferguson (actor)
Ian Mead Moore (actor), Travis Stuebing (actor), Montgomery Sutton (playwright), Marla Jo Kelly (actor), Ian Ferguson (actor)
Montgomery Sutton (playwright) and Ruth Cantrell (director)