Upstart Productions' upcoming production of Clifford Odets' Waiting for Lefty, directed by David Meglino, run now through April 1, 2017, at Ash Studios. BroadwayWorld has a sneak peek at the cast below!
The cast features Ben Phillips as Fatt, Robert Gemaehlich as Joe, Steph Garrett as Edna, PaolA Martinez as Florence, Parker Fitzgerald as Sid, Zachary Valdez as Irv, Chris Messersmith as Fayette, Jack Bristol as Miller, Matthew Eitzen as Phillips, Sydney Hover as Stenographer, Moira Wilson as Barnes, Isaac Young as Benjamin, Robert Long as Tom Clayton, Gideon Swift as Clancey, Van Quattro as Agate (Keller), and Andrew Aguilar as Gunman.
On the creative team are David Meglino (Director), Ryan McBride (Stage Manager), and Johnny Lee (Assistant Director), with production designs by Cindy Ernst Godinez & Dave McKee.
1935, New York. A high-stakes union meeting of taxi drivers in disagreement about whether or not to strike. Odets' classic unfolds in a series of vignettes exploring the issues of fair pay, collective bargaining, bigotry, war, political manipulation, and the conflict between the interests of the haves versus the have-nots. With Lefty, their elected leader, nowhere to be found, each man is forced to decide a course of action for himself. Revealing, in the process, how they have reached this point in life and what consequences a strike would have on each of them and the people they love.
All Upstart productions are Pay What You Want. Reserve seats in advance by making a donation at Shows run at Ash Studios, 3202 Ash Ln, Dallas, TX 75226.