In 1964, the beloved stop-motion animated television classic, RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER, made its network television debut delighting audiences across the country. Fifty-one years later, the longest running and highest rated television special comes to life, live on stage at Dallas' historic Majestic Theatre with RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER: THE MUSICAL, featuring the world's most famous reindeer and a holly jolly cast of iconic characters. Rudolph and friends, including Hermey the Elf, Yukon Cornelius and the Abominable Snow Monster, help Santa save Christmas this holiday season.
For the third consecutive year, RUDOLPH will visit Dallas' historic Majestic Theatre. Performances are December 3 and 4 at 7:00PM and December 5 and 6 at 2:00PM. Scroll down for a sneak peek at the show!
The story tells the tale of a young Rudolph who, because of the appearance of his bright, shining nose, is ousted from the reindeer games in Christmastown. He flees town, meets up with new friends Hermey and Yukon, and a series of funny and endearing adventures ensue including a visit to The Island of Misfit Toys. Rudolph journeys home, where a snowstorm of epic proportions is threatening Christmas. Can Rudolph save his family and friends and help Santa save the holiday?
Tickets are on sale and exclusively available at or by calling TicketDFW at 214-871-5000. For more information on Rudolph, visit
Photo Credit: Karen Almond Photography
Kyle Montgomery as Hermey, Jeremiah Johnson as Yukon Cornelius, and Leo Thomasian as Rudolph
Doug LoPachin as Santa, Monique Abry as Mrs. Donner, and David Price as Donner
Sarah E. Smith, Mark Quach, Anna Marie Boyd, Clinton Greenspan, and Maranda Harrison