Rasheeda Speaking, Joel Drake Johnson's psychological thriller, pits two co-workers against each other, when one receives a promotion to monitor the other. Office politics, fueled by racial contention, creates a battle to control the workplace. This chilling, dark comedy blends the realities of racism, superiority, and friendship to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Circle's production is directed by Krista Scott and features Barrie Alguire (Rose Saunders), Lisa Fairchild* (Ileen Van Meter), M. Denise Lee* (Jaclyn Spaulding) and Ken Orman** (Dr. David Williams). Circle Theatre's production team members include Megan Beddingfield* (Stage Manager/Prop Design), Clare Floyd DeVries (Set Design), John Leach (Lighting Design), David H.M. Lambert (Sound Design) and Brittny Mahan (Costume Design).
April 27 - May 20, 2017
Tickets: Make reservations online at, http://www.circletheatre.com, by calling 817.877.3040, or at the Circle Theatre Box Office, 230 West Fourth Street between Houston and Throckmorton, in downtown Fort Worth. Senior, Student, Military, KERA, Press Pass, S.T.A.G.E., and Group discounts are available. Half-price tickets for students are sold 30 minutes before show time, subject to availability. Complimentary valet parking is available for all performances. Patrons with special needs should contact our box office.
Photo Credit: Tim Long