LES MISÉRABLES, the thrilling musical phenomenon direct from a celebrated two-and-a-half year Broadway engagement, opened at Dallas Summer Musicals (DSM) on Tuesday, April 24, leaving audiences stunned by the breathtaking performance.
Wednesday night (April 25), DSM celebrated the production's arrival and officially welcomed the cast of LES MIZ to Dallas with the annual post-show cast party, hosted by members of the DSM Guild. Good times were had by all - even the Master of the House!
Photos by Chris Waits
Bob Thompson, Josh Davis, Lynne Thompson
Claire Chaney, Josh Davis, Cal Chaney
Cal and Claire Chaney, Matt Shingledecker
Matt Shingledecker and Linda Massey
Sophie Knapp, Jonah Mussolino, Sam Middleton, Elsa Avery Dees, and Dalya Knapp
Michelle Beth Herman, Anetta Lyles
JillIan Butler, Margana Wood, Josh Davis
Emily Bautista, Robert Ariza, JillIan Butler