Adapted from the original film starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, this beloved American Holiday classic brings Bedford Falls to life as a 1940's radio broadcast. Five actors create more than fifty memorable characters to bring to life Frank Capra's beloved film. This unique stage adaptation is performed as a radio play, broadcast on Christmas Eve in 1949. Everyman George Bailey gets the chance to see what the world would be like if he'd never been born.
The show plays 7:30 PM Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:00 PM Fridays & Saturdays and 2:00 PM Sundays. Tickets: $20 - $40. Box Office: 972.450.6232. Visit for tickets and more information.
Photo Credit: Mark Oristano
BJ Cleveland
Jim Johnson, Lydia McKay, Matt Moore, Jessica Cavanagh, BJ Cleveland
Jim Johnson, Matt Moore, BJ Cleveland
Matt Moore, Lydia McKay
BJ Cleveland