Darkly comic and heartbreakingly beautiful, Adding Machine, a musical adaptation of Elmer Rice's incendiary 1923 play, tells the story of Mr. Zero, who after 25 years of service to his company is replaced by a mechanical adding machine. In a vengeful rage, he murders his boss. An eclectic score gives passionate and memorable voice to this stylish and stylized show, which follows Zero's journey to the afterlife in the Elysian Fields where he is met with one last chance for romance and redemption.
Check out photos from the show below!
"This show poses challenges to both actor and audience with its dense music and darkly humorous story," says director Blake Hackler. "I'm focusing on creating a clean, modular production that lets the incredible score speak for itself. My job is to create a backdrop for the terrific cast to do their work unencumbered by an excess of decoration."
Adding Machine: A Musical is directed by Blake Hackler with musical direction by Mark Mullino and choreography by Danielle Georgiou. The cast features Thomas Ward (Mr. Zero), Jeni Roller (Mrs. Zero), Allison Pistorius (Daisy), Brandon McInnis (Shrdlu), John Daniel Pszyk (The Boss), and ensemble members James Chandler, Angela Davis, Kathryn Taylor Rose and Ashley Wood.
Photo credit: Jeffrey Schmidt
Ashley Wood, James Chandler, Kathryn Taylor Rose, Angela Davis, and Thomas Ward
Thomas Ward and Brandon McInnis
Thomas Ward, Angela Davis, Jeni Roller, Kathryn Taylor Rose, James Chandler, and Ashley Wood