Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd is a heart-pounding thriller set on the seedy side streets of 19th century London. Filled with diabolical humor and extraordinary music, this eight-time Tony Award-winning musical tells the tale of an exiled barber's quest to avenge the wrongs done to him and his family by a lecherous judge.
Circle's production is directed by Joel Ferrell with Music Direction by Ian Ferguson. The cast includes Ian Ferguson* as Anthony Hope, Sarah Gay* as Mrs. Lovett, Mary Gilbreath Grim as Adolfo Pirelli/Beggar Woman, Max Hartman* as Sweeney Todd, Alex Heika as The Beadle/ Jonas Fogg, Randy Pearlman* as Judge Turpin, Alejandro Saucedo as Tobias Ragg, and Carly Wheeler as Johanna.
Visit for more information.
Photo Credit: Tim Long