Denton Community Theatre is excited to present the musical comedy Forever Plaid. Our story begins when, on the brink of stardom, a 1950's style quartet "The Plaids" die in a crash with a bus load of Catholic school girls. The girls are unharmed and, fortunately for the audience, the talented young men are miraculously back from the afterlife with one last chance for musical greatness. It sounds a little morbid, but be assured that this charming piece is all about the toe-tapping tunes and heavenly harmonies. The innocent enthusiasm and delightfully goofy patter of Smudge, Jinx, Sparkie, and Frankie add to make a thoroughly enjoyable show for all ages.
This critically acclaimed musical is directed and choreographed by Robert Emery with music direction by Richard Buntain. It is rich with great tunes like, "Three Coins in the Fountain," "Gotta Be This or That", "Crazy 'Bout Ya, Baby", "Sixteen Tons", "Chain Gang", "Lady of Spain", "Rags to Riches", and "Love is a Many-Splendored Thing". Come see Denton Community Theatre's production of Forever Plaid.
Performances are November 13, 14, 20, 21 at 7:30 pm & November 15, 22 at 2 pm. Ticket prices are $18 for adults, $16 for seniors (62+), and $10 for children/students (through college). Tickets are available online at, or at the Campus Theatre Box Office Monday through Friday from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Credit card purchases may be done over the phone during these same hours by calling 940-382-1915. Group rates also available.
For more information, please call (940) 382-7014 or email
Photo credit: Pat Watson
Forever Plaid Rehearsal Photos
Forever Plaid Rehearsal Photos
Forever Plaid Rehearsal Photos