Amphibian Stage Productions opens its fourth main stage production of the 2013 season, Death Taxby Lucas Hnath, next week at the company's home on South Main Street. Georgia Clinton, Stormi Demerson, John Forkner, andLaurel Whitsett star in this dark comedy, running Thursday, October 17 through Sunday, November 10 at Amphibian's theater at 120 S. Main Street. René Moreno directs the production. Check out a first look below!
Laurel Whitsett last appeared on Amphibian's stage in the 2011 main stage production of Animals Out of Paper by Rajiv Joseph. DirectorRené Moreno has directed numerous productions at Amphibian, including the 2012 production of The Understudy by Theresa Rebeck and the 2010 production of No Child... by Nilaja Sun. Georgia Clinton, Stormi Demerson, and John Forkner will make their Amphibian debuts in this production.
Additionally, Death Tax will feature set design by Bob Lavallee, lighting design by Adam Chamberlin, sound design by David Lanza, costume design by Kathleen Anderson Culebro, and props design by Cosmo Jones.
Stormi Demerson, Laurel Whitsett, Georgia Clinton, and John Forkner