Pantagleize Theatre Company has upcoming auditions for the play A Cloud of Witnesses on Sat., Jun. 6 at 10 am at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center in Garber Hall, located at 1300 Gendy St., Fort Worth, Texas. Garber Hall is located just down the hall from the Scott Theatre.
Written by the late playwright Ramsey Yelvington and directed by MerEdith Brown, A Cloud of Witnesses is an account of the haunting story of lives that were lost at the Battle of the Alamo, a 13-day siege of the territory now known as Texas when a revolutionary army of Texian settlers and others drove out Mexican Army troops.
Those auditioning are ask to:
Rehearsals begin in July and will generally occur on weekday evenings. Some pick-up weekend rehearsals will take place closer to opening night.
For more info: Send an email to or call: 325-320-2669.