The show will run November 12-14, 2020.
Lion Legacy Theatre of New Boston High School will present "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown," Texarkana Gazette reports.
The show will run November 12-14, 2020.
"We had plans to do a much larger show this fall. But after how last year's school year ended and delays in starting this year, our plans changed." says Missy Lyda, NBHS theatre director, in a news release. "The past two years we have included students from elementary through high school level in our shows but this year and the guidelines set forth during these times it just wasn't possible. However we couldn't let the year go by without bringing our form of sunshine to our community and area."
The musical has a cast of 13 and a crew of four. This show includes your favorite Peanuts characters, coupled with upbeat music and plenty of laughs.
Tickets will only be sold in advance and COVID-19 precautions and social distancing will be observed. Tickets are $5. For ticket purchase or reservations, call 501-626-6778.
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