Michelle Noah is a painter based in Dallas, Texas and is owner of the Ninth Street Gallery.
The work of Artist Michelle B. Noah LAUREL CANYON SERIES is coming to the Charles W. Eisemann Center for Performing Arts at 2351 Performance Drive, Richardson, TX 75082. The installation will be on exhibit from March 2-27, 2022, in the Eisemann Center's Forrest & Virginia Green Mezzanine Gallery. The LAUREL CANYON SERIES is inspired by the music of Laurel Canyon musicians from 1965-1975.
Michelle Noah is a painter based in Dallas, Texas and is owner of the Ninth Street Gallery. Michelle's training is in Printmaking and Painting with a BFA in Graphic Design. Her artwork is bright and colorful. Michelle uses a layering technique that creates texture, movement, and energy. She is definitely influenced by the process of printmaking when she paints on a canvas. The layers of bright intense colors are always a surprise, not knowing what the end result will be until that final color is painted on the canvas. Michelle enjoys working in a series of paintings with a theme and an inspiration. Having a studio with a large workspace has opened her world to painting bigger and creating a series of paintings all at once. Experimenting with intense colors and textures on canvas, inspires her to create visual representations of the energy and emotions she feels.Gallery hours are 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and during all public events. The exhibit is free and open to the public. The Charles W. Eisemann Center is located at 2351 Performance Drive, Richardson, Texas 75082 in the Galatyn Park Urban Center adjacent to the Galatyn Park DART rail station. For more information on exhibits and events, visit the website at www.eisemanncenter.com.