WMConcerts has announced that Michael Carbonaro, the popular magician from truTV's "The Carbonaro Effect," will perform his show Michael Carbonaro...Live! at the AT&T Performing Arts Center's Winspear Opera House on Saturday night, January 7th at 7pm for an evening of fun for the whole family. Carbonaro has performed over 500 comically perplexing and improbable feats of magic on his hit truTV series, The Carbonaro Effect. Now, he's taking his show on the road.
If you have ever wondered what it feels like to be on the other side of the charmingly devious Carbonaro as he works his magic to make people believe the unbelievable, now is your chance to find out. Michael Carbonaro...Live! is jam-packed with audience interaction, hilarious video clips, and a whirlwind of mind-blowing magic performed live on stage. The New York Times has called his unique blend of magic and bizarre antics, "Genial and witty...utterly convincing."
After years of performing in Comedy Clubs and school gymnasiums, Carbonaro started winning roles as an actor in both television and film, leading to a breakout series of hit magical appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Quickly a viral sensation, Carbonaro's unique brand of magic performed for an unsuspecting public landed him his own hidden-camera series, The Carbonaro Effect, preparing now for its third season on truTV.
Carbonaro has been seen in recurring roles in television shows such as Happily Divorced, The Newsroom, 30 Rock, How to Make it in America, The Wizards of Waverly Place and CSI
Miami. In 2006, he was named "Magician of the Year" by the Academy of Magical Arts. He hosts and performs shows of comedy, magic and other bizarre acts at various clubs around the US, including the ever popular Joe's Pub, Caroline's on Broadway, The Box, and Hollywood's Magic Castle.
Tickets for Michael Carbonaro...Live! are available on wmconcerts.com, tickets.attpac.org and at the AT&T Performing Arts Center box office.
WHAT: Michael Carbonaro...Live!
WHEN: Saturday, January 7th at 7pm
WHERE: AT&T Performing Arts Center's Winspear Opera House
2403 Flora Street Dallas, TX 75201
TICKETS: On sale now at attpac.org
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