A dignified, aristocratic woman living quietly in her London home is gradually surrounded by diabolically clever crooks who ingeniously alienate her family and friends and nearly convinces them that she is hopelessly insane. It looks as though the KIND LADY is doomed to lose her property and her sanity, but a supreme effort of courage and skill conveys the true situation to the outside world in this intensely exciting drama. Nail-biting suspense drives you through this rousing plot.
Director Michael Serrecchai says, "What a cast! They are the perfect actors for this play that was written in 1935. It may sound like another "old play" but the story and the subject matter of KIND LADY are anything but kind and extremely relevant for today."
KIND LADY stars Mary Tiner (Mary Herris), Andreas Robichaux (Henry Abbot), Katy Beckermann (Ada Abbot), Francis "Hank" Henry (Mr. Edwards), LisaAnne Haram (Mrs. Edwards), Gabby Nero (Aggie Edwards), Caitlin Duree (Rose), Lucia Welch (Lucy Watson), Laura Jones (Phyllis Glenning), Cam Kirkpatrick (Peter Santard), Dave Schmidt (Mr. Foster), Robby Dullnig (Gustav Rosenberg), and David Smith (Doctor).
KIND LADY production team includes Director Michael Serrecchia, Stage Manager Cathy Parks-Bardin, Producers Evelyn Hall and Dane Tuttle, Lighting Designer Ian Garland, Scenic Designer Clare Floyd DeVries, Sound Designer Rob Stephens, Costume Designer Michael Robinson/Dallas Costume Shoppe, Master Carpenter Kris Hampton, and Properties JoAnne Hull.
Tickets to KIND LADY are available now by calling the Irving Arts Center's Box Office at 972.252.2787 or by ordering tickets online at www.irvingartscenter.com.