Level Ground Arts returns to the Dallas Hub Theater with this new look at Shakespeare's classic.
Beware the Ides of March: There are ten actors on stage acting out characters that are playing actors in Shakespeare's Caesar....a play within a play within a play. This is a fascinating and engaging performance of the classic text with a brand new twist. There is no backstage. The actors do everything. They create the lights. They create the sound. They become the scenery. Our Caesar is a living, breathing theatrical experience.
Everything is live. Everything in plain sight. Come join us for a look at Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, as you have never seen it before.
The Cast Includes
Ken Long
Zac Ramsey
Jennifer Obeney
Jordan Pokladnik
Robert Shores
Angela Owen
Elizabeth Fountain
Francis Henry
Krishna Smitha
Desiree Fultz
Length: 2 hrs with intermission
Thursdays at 7:30 pm, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:15 pm
February 19th -28th and a final performance on Saturday, March 7th
WHERE: Dallas Hub Theater 2809 Canton ST, Dallas, TX 75226
FURTHER INFORMATION: 214-749-7010 or www.dallashubtheater.org.