Undermain Theatre presents an exhibition of Founding Artistic Director, Katherine Owen's art. Katherine Owens was a well-respected artist and director to all she collaborated with in the international theatre community. In addition to Katherine's directing career, she was also an avid painter and photographer and journal keeper. The paintings, drawings, photographs and writings on display will showcase the depth of research and experience that Katherine brought to the art she created through her work at Undermain.
Research and observation were embedded into her daily life and her travels throughout the world. Her thoughts and research were kept as journals which became compilations of the volumes of work she created. These facets of Katherine's life will be presented in an exhibition in the Undermain lobby.
This exhibition, curated by renowned painter Mary Vernon, from the Katherine Owens archive which is overseen by Bruce DuBose, will evolve and change throughout the season as new pieces are rotated into the collection. The exhibition will be open for viewing at all Undermain performances beginning September 26th through the end of our season in May 2020.
Producing Artistic Director: Bruce DuBose, General Manager: Patricia Hackler, Operations Manager, Parker Gray