Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) has approved Books Alive! Literacy through the Arts for its 2009 touring roster and grants are available to schools, libraries and non-profit organizations. Books Alive! is an innovative literacy program at Katy Visual & Performing Arts Center (KVPAC), which presents a professional musical play, adapted from a featured book. It travels off-site or is available as a field trip to KVPAC.
The fall 2009 program is based on the popular book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff and is only available every Monday through Thursday in October. The grant deadline is Aug 1, 2009. Applying for a TCA grant is simple and takes less than 3 minutes - the first step is to contact Kristin Miller, Books Alive! Coordinator at: kmiller@KVPAC.org or phone 281-829-ARTS (2787).Videos