2009/2010 COMPANY AUDITIONS HAVE BEEN RESCHEDULED. We have also assigned specific audition dates based on your last name. If you are unable to attend on your selected date, please reply here and we'll make exceptions where needed. The new dates and times are:
Tuesday, August 11th from 4:30-7:00pm Last names: A-LActors need to arrive with a resume' (if you have enough experience to complete one - otherwise the audition form provided at auditions will be adequate) and photo which can be a snapshot or school picture. You'll sign in and fill out an audition form and will audition in the order you have arrived. Each actor will present a monologue (or memorized poem) and song selection - please keep both to 1 minute or less. Actors will be notified within one week of their acceptance into Company.
Once accepted, there may be subsequent audition opportunities for principal roles for a particular show based on the individual director's casting process. These auditions will be announced after Company has been selected and will take place at the end of August. Casting for all Fall shows will be complete by August 29th.Tues., August 11th from 4:30-7:00pm
Last names: A-L