Fame Jr. follows the students at New York's School of the Performing Arts through their tough, four-year course. We see them coming to terms with life and relationships: we see those who persevere, who are resilient - and those who are not. Above all, we see them perceiving the need to strive for excellence tobe the best actor, singer, dancer or musician that they can be. FAME JR. is one of the best loved musicals of all time.
The show is about real people, desperate to be the besteven though life gets in the way. Including the hit songs 'Fame', 'Bring On Tomorrow', and many more, it is a fantastic chance for audiences to experience the stage version of this gutsy, energetic and exciting show. Dance fuses with action. Pumping rock and pop rhythms fuse with beautiful love ballads. Ballet ,drama and music all come together in a myriad of colorful images in an explosion of youthful energy. This is the original 'Got Talent' show!
FAME JR. was conceived and developed by David De Silva, with music by Steve Margoshes, lyrics by Jacques Levy and book by Jose Fernandez. The play is a based on the 1980 movie about students in New York City's High School of the Performing Arts.
Pulsating choreography, stunning sets, costumesand lighting all under the highly popular, state of the art KD Studio Theatre/TRAC, ensure that FAME JR. is the real deal.
The teen cast will be led by choreographer Stephanie Butler. "This is the biggest singing/dancing show Imagination Players has produced over the past few years and we hope the local community will continue to support its very own talented local theatre company," Ms. Butler said.
A show full of excellent toe-tapping music and beautiful singing is led by musical director Lynn Ambrose with lots of vibrant dancing and entertainment assured.
Ambrose, who serves as producer and director, said: "FAME is one of the most successful musicals of all time, and we are thrilled tobring it to Imagination Players. Those who have seen our recent shows like WILLY WONKA JR., INTO THE WOODS JR., and GUYS AND DOLLS JR. know we work hard to present excellentlive entertainment for our audiences. We've been proving 'Dallas' Got Talent' successfully and we have a brilliant cast for FAME JR. whose energy has to be seen to be believed. We can't wait for Dallas to experience FAME; it really is the best night out for all the family"
For tickets, go to http://www.brownpapertickets.com.
About Imagination Players:
Designedto encourage teamwork, personal integrity, self-esteem, and a life-longappreciation for live theatre, Imagination Players is a year-round performingarts training program for young people ages 6-19. Imagination Playersstudents participate in classes, workshops and full-scale productions. Allperformances are by Imagination Players students and classes are taught byprofessional theatrical instructors.
About KD College:
KDCollege, a professional film and acting institute, was founded in 1979. Itprovides training to actors for stage, television and film performances. Apartfrom the Acting Performance Program, KD College also offers a Motion PictureProduction Program and a Musical Theatre Program. It also organizes modelingprograms for adults, teenagers and children.