Imagination Players will conclude its season with Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr., playing November 11-14. This musical retelling of the "Beauty and the Beast" fairy tale was Disney's first Broadway show and recreated the magical world of the animated film in a live theatrical production. The show opened in New York in 1994, is still attracting sell-out audiences, and is already one of the longest running Broadway shows of all time. Written by Linda Woolverton with music by Alan Menken and memorable songs by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, Disney's Beauty and the Beast tells a heart-warming "tale as old as time" about love conquering all.
A handsome prince with a cold heart is turned into a grotesque beast by a magic spell that also transforms the staff of his castle into dancing and singing objects such as a teapot, cup, clock, candelabra and more. The only chance to break the spell is for someone to learn to love the Beast.
In a nearby village, the lovely Belle is busy rebuffing the advances of the egotistical Gaston while taking care of her elderly father, Maurice. When Maurice gets lost in the woods and stumbles upon the castle, he is taken prisoner by the reclusive Beast. Belle offers herself as a prisoner to the Beast to save her father, and learns that people are not always what they appear to be. Music will be familiar to fans of the Disney movie, with songs including "Home" and "Be Our Guest."
This musical is a particularly good choice for families with children, and the Theater is hoping that many parents from the community will use this show to introduce their children to live theater.
Beauty and the Beast Jr. will be directed and choreographed by Linda Leonard and music directed by Lynn Ambrose. "We are very excited to have the opportunity to present Disney's Beauty and the Beast," said Ambrose. "Following the tremendous success of Sweeney Todd School Edition is a daunting task, but I believe this is just the show to do it. It's a traditional love story with nontraditional characters and some of the most memorable songs to come out of Broadway in decades."
Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr. will be presented at 7 p.m. November 11-13 and 2 p.m. November 13-14. All proceeds from the performance Saturday, November 13 at 2pm will go to The Scottish Rite Hospital of Dallas. Tickets are $15 for adults and $8 for students at the door, additional convenience charge online. For Tickets visit Performances are held at the KD
Studio Theatre 2600 Stemmons Frwy Suite 180 Dallas, TX 75207
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