In this new stage adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Luckenbooth Theatre Academy brings Roald Dahls' words to life from right off the page.
Leading the cast of actors is Kamille Isom* as Charlie Bucket and David Percival* as Willy Wonka. They are joined by Saffron Makoutz (Violet), Delaney Beck (Miranda Teavee), Carly Mason (Veruca) and Shepherd O'Connor (Augustus Gloop). This new adaptation was written by August Riehle* who also co-directs the production with, Artistic Director, Megan Hildebrand*.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will have a special Industry Night performance on Thursday, September 12th at 7:30pm and run Friday, September 13th - Sunday, September 22nd. The Company will perform a special Sensory Sensitive matinee on Saturday, 21st. All performances will take place at Luckenbooth's new black box studio space located in the Fort Worth Design District. Patrons may purchase tickets online the Luckenbooth website at or in person at their box office an hour prior to curtain. For more information, please visit and be sure to follow Luckenbooth Theatre on Facebook and Instagram!
*Denotes a Luckenbooth Repertory Company Member